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Use of the Method of Heart Rate Variability Analysis for the Assessment of Functional-Clinical State

作者:Vasiuk,Y.A 出处:国际心衰在线会议


In this review, data about the heart rate variability (HRV) assessment in patients with chronic HF and the prognostic value of spectral and time analysis indicators are presented. The effect of the main drugs used for the treatment of HF on the HRV is described.

Key words: chronic heart failure, heart rate variability, prognosis.

Currently, the world incidence of chronic HF is 1-3% in the population under 70 years old, and 10% among those above 70 years old. About 1 million new HF cases are diagnosed annually (1). Studies of the incidence of such disease in the different countries indicate: 6.5 million diseased people in Europe, 5 millions in the United States, and 2.4 millions in Japan (2). In Russia, no less than 3-3.5 mill

发布人:onetwofree 发布时间:2006年4月10日





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